Friday, February 20, 2009

Valentines Day at the Ranch

For Valentine's Day my mom and dad took me to Grammy and Grandpa's ranch in Utah. We met up with my cousins. On the way up there we hit a snow storm 12 miles from our exit and it took us an hour to get there. I was really good and just slept in my carseat in the back. My daddy was especially happy about that since it is hard to drive in the snow. The next day my dad pulled my cousins on sleds behind the rhino. I of course had to stay inside where it is warm. I can't wait until I am big enough to play with the big kids. My dog Bear also got to see her cousins, Brian and Juno. They had so much fun wrestling around all weekend. I also finally got to wear the super cute outfit from the Firms. Don't I look so adorable? All in all I would say Valentine's Day was a success I was surrounded by my family that loves me and that is all that matters.